If you are part of a group study or bible fellowship, this is a book you have been looking for! For a group of young Christians it would be great. For a group of fresh, new salesmen it would be a great learning tool to help them understand integrity over sales without compromising sales or self. Cunningham writes a very simple book and illustrates it with biblical principles and ethical examples from both the Old and New Testaments. The book is written in a 22 day format, challenging readers to take on one chapter per day. In just over three weeks, the learning from this book would be helpful to a young Christian. There is a writing section at the end of each chapter and questions to encourage growth in the reader. A mature Christian or an experienced salesman would not benefit much aside from just enjoying the read, or maybe gaining an insight as to how to guide a young person or new salesman in a Christian and successful manner. From the view point of someone who has management experience I found the book elementary at best but for a young person it would make a great group study book.
Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from Thomas Nelson Publishers as part of their BookSneeze.com