Tuesday, April 18, 2023

 US Tax Code and Social Engineering

Social engineering refers to the use of policies and programs to influence or shape the behavior and values of a society. The US federal government has been using its tax system as a tool for social engineering for decades. However, there are those who argue that this is an evil practice because it goes against the principles of individual freedom and choice. Here are ten points to consider when evaluating the argument that US federal income taxes are evil due to their use in social engineering:

1. Coercion: One of the main arguments against the use of taxes for social engineering is that it amounts to coercion. When the government uses tax revenue to promote certain behaviors or values, it is essentially forcing citizens to comply with its agenda, even if they do not agree with it.

2. Individual freedom: The use of taxes for social engineering also goes against the principle of individual freedom. Citizens should have the right to make their own decisions about how they live their lives, without government interference.

3. Economic efficiency: Another argument against the use of taxes for social engineering is that it can be economically inefficient. When the government tries to influence behavior through taxes, it can distort market incentives and lead to unintended consequences.

4. Unintended consequences: The use of taxes for social engineering can also have unintended consequences. For example, when the government offers tax breaks for certain behaviors or activities, it can create a perverse incentive for people to engage in those activities, even if they are not in their best interest.

5. Ineffectiveness: There is also evidence to suggest that using taxes for social engineering can be ineffective. For example, when the government tries to use tax breaks to promote certain types of energy production, it may not actually lead to a significant increase in the use of those energy sources.

6. Political bias: The use of taxes for social engineering can also be influenced by political bias. When one party is in power, they may use tax policy to promote their own agenda, rather than what is best for the country as a whole.

7. Unfairness: The use of taxes for social engineering can also be seen as unfair. For example, when the government offers tax breaks for certain behaviors or activities, it can create a situation where some people benefit more than others, based on their ability to take advantage of those tax breaks.

8. Complexity: The tax code is already complex and difficult to navigate. When the government adds social engineering goals to the mix, it can make the tax code even more confusing and difficult to understand.

9. Lack of transparency: Finally, the use of taxes for social engineering can lack transparency. When the government uses tax revenue to promote certain behaviors or values, it may not be clear to citizens exactly what the government is trying to achieve.

10. Alternatives: There are alternatives to using taxes for social engineering. For example, the government could use education campaigns or public-private partnerships to achieve its goals, rather than relying solely on the tax code.

In conclusion, there are valid arguments to be made against the use of US federal income taxes for social engineering. While some may view it as a necessary tool for promoting certain behaviors and values, others see it as an evil practice that goes against the principles of individual freedom and choice. Ultimately, the question of whether taxes should be used for social engineering is a complex one and requires careful consideration of the costs and benefits of such policies.

One potential solution to this issue is to focus on simplifying the tax code and reducing the overall burden of taxation. This would not only make the tax system fairer and more transparent, but it would also reduce the need for social engineering policies that often lead to unintended consequences and market distortions.

Another alternative to using taxes for social engineering is to focus on promoting individual responsibility and choice. Governments can provide education and information to citizens about the benefits and risks of certain behaviors, and then leave it up to individuals to make their own decisions. This approach would respect individual freedom while still achieving the government's goals of promoting certain behaviors and values.

Ultimately, the use of taxes for social engineering is a controversial issue that requires careful consideration of the costs and benefits of such policies. While some may argue that it is an evil practice that goes against the principles of individual freedom and choice, others may argue that it is a necessary tool for promoting certain behaviors and values. Regardless of one's position on this issue, it is important to continue to have an open and honest dialogue about the role of taxes in shaping society, and to carefully consider the costs and benefits of any policies that are implemented.

Saturday, April 8, 2023

The Silence of Saturday

No doubt, this was a dark day.  So dark, that the only mention of the events of this day are these few verses in Matthew 27:

The next day, that is, after the day of Preparation, the chief priests and the Pharisees gathered before Pilate and said, “Sir, we remember how that impostor said, while he was still alive, ‘After three days I will rise.’ Therefore order the tomb to be made secure until the third day, lest his disciples go and steal him away and tell the people, ‘He has risen from the dead,’ and the last fraud will be worse than the first.” Pilate said to them, “You have a guard of soldiers. Go, make it as secure as you can.” So they went and made the tomb secure by sealing the stone and setting a guard.


Today, we find ourselves on a truly unique day in our Christian faith. We are caught between the defeat of Good Friday and the victory of Easter Sunday. We are on a time of reflection and doubt, a time of confusion and questioning. We are in the middle of Silent Saturday.

Silent Saturday is a day where we are reminded of the silence that must have filled the air on that day so long ago. It was a day between defeat and victory, a day where the disciples were left wondering what went wrong. They had seen their beloved Lord and teacher humiliated, beaten, and brutally put to death. They were shattered and deeply confused, they would have questioned everything they had believed in at that point, and they would have doubted. It was a day that was filled with uncertainty and fear, it was a day of silence, where the echo of Christ's final breath still resonated in the air.

It is during this time of waiting, this season of silence, that we must remember what Christ said to his disciples. Even though everything seemed bleak, even though they had just witnessed a horrific death, Jesus had promised that he would rise from the dead on the third day. We must remember that in our time of confusion and questioning, we can look forward to a better tomorrow. We must hold on to hope because we know that Sunday is coming.

Silent Saturday is an essential part of the Resurrection story for a reason. It is a time when we must allow ourselves to feel confused, to doubt what we have been taught, and to wonder. It is through these emotions that we will be able to appreciate the tremendous victory that Easter Sunday offers. Before we can celebrate the resurrection, we must sit in silent perplexity and learn from it.

Silent Saturday teaches us that sometimes, we must face tribulations before we can bask in triumphs. We must fall so that we can learn to dust ourselves off and rise. Like Christ's resurrection, we are promised our own rebirth after facing our own Good Fridays.

Perhaps you are going through a Silent Saturday of your own right now. Maybe you're struggling with a feeling of loss or defeat, confused and questioning why things are unfolding the way they are. We may be left asking God, "Why?" And it's okay if we do. We must remember the power in the silence and the strength in questioning. Sometimes, the only way we can move forward is to sit with our frustration, to embrace our doubts, and to listen in the stillness for the answer.

But as Christians, we must hold on to our faith knowing that God is with us, just as he was with the disciples on that Silent Saturday. Our faith reminds us that whatever happens, no matter how seemingly bleak the situation may become, our hope is in the Lord, who has already shown us the way.

As we sit in today's 'silent Saturday', let us allow ourselves to ask questions, and listen for God's answer in the quiet of our souls. May we learn the wisdom in the waiting because we know Sunday is coming, and with it, our redemption.

So, let us use this time of Silent Saturday to introspect, examine our faith, and get ready for Easter Sunday when we celebrate our triumphant Savior, who has risen from the dead.

May God Bless you all and have a blessed Saturday. Amen.