We are all a product of the multiple influencing souls that have intersected our lives. Probably most have never thought of this, but there is a list that could be compiled of people that have molded you into the person you are today. James Stuart Bell has compiled From the Library of A.W. Tozer, Selections From Writers Who Influenced His Spiritual Journey, a collection of writings from some of the greatest authors and thinkers in history dating from Augustine of Hippo to Pastor G. Campbell Morgan.
A.W. Tozer was a prolific writer, authoring over 40 works during his lifetime. One of these is now regardled as a Christian classic – The Pursuit of God. Bell provides a short biography of Tozer's life, his conversion when he stopped to listen to a street preacher in Akron, Ohio on his way home from work, his pastorate, and influence on what is now the Christian and Missionary Alliance denomination. Having never attended college, he was mentored by the woman who would eventually become his mother-in-law. She encouraged him to study the Bible and pray daily, and read good books. Five years later, he was called of God to become a pastor. The voices contained in the pages of this book are those who influenced this great man of God. It is divided into eight chapters, each containing brief writings from authors who influenced Tozer in that particular subject area. Should you be unfamiliar with the author's writings, Author Biographies provides additional knowledge for the reader. Bell also provides the original source for each of the writings should the reader desire to read the work in its entirety. Finally, each author is indexed to provide the reader a quick reference if needed. No matter where you are in your spiritual walk, this book could certainly be a help to you, either as a daily devotional, or as a go to study reference. It's 200 excerpts will inspire your walk with the Lord and deepen your faith.
Disclaimer – I received this book from Bethany House Pulblishers in exchange for my honest review.
A.W. Tozer was a prolific writer, authoring over 40 works during his lifetime. One of these is now regardled as a Christian classic – The Pursuit of God. Bell provides a short biography of Tozer's life, his conversion when he stopped to listen to a street preacher in Akron, Ohio on his way home from work, his pastorate, and influence on what is now the Christian and Missionary Alliance denomination. Having never attended college, he was mentored by the woman who would eventually become his mother-in-law. She encouraged him to study the Bible and pray daily, and read good books. Five years later, he was called of God to become a pastor. The voices contained in the pages of this book are those who influenced this great man of God. It is divided into eight chapters, each containing brief writings from authors who influenced Tozer in that particular subject area. Should you be unfamiliar with the author's writings, Author Biographies provides additional knowledge for the reader. Bell also provides the original source for each of the writings should the reader desire to read the work in its entirety. Finally, each author is indexed to provide the reader a quick reference if needed. No matter where you are in your spiritual walk, this book could certainly be a help to you, either as a daily devotional, or as a go to study reference. It's 200 excerpts will inspire your walk with the Lord and deepen your faith.
Disclaimer – I received this book from Bethany House Pulblishers in exchange for my honest review.